The details for the Krushi-Vikas program.
Agriculture is not profitable is a general consensus amongst most modern day farmers. We believe that such a notion exists because of the unscientific practices which they follow. In the champati area, we observed that farmers usually grow two crops a year: rice followed by sowing of green gram as the rain-fed crop without proper management practices. Majority areas were cultivated by tenant farmers while the total crop yield wasn’t enough for their livelihood.
A group of scientists, from Sikha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, visited the village and opined that a shorter duration (120 days instead of 145 days) rice, followed by vegetable cultivation (winter and summer) would be highly profitable if proper scientific methods were to be followed. They agreed to provide the requisite input through continuous visits and evaluations.
On an experimental basis, we motivated few farmers in the village to adopt the proposed methods and provided them better lift-irrigation facilities and agriculture implements. The paddy crop raised in this experiment yielded highest ever output (58.6 Quintal/hectare) in the area. On the back of this achievement, many farmers have now come forward to join the movement.